Monday, November 15, 2010

Craft Fair and Updating my Wardrobe

Mood: Dreamy
Playing: Starlight-Freezepop
I wanted to share with you my craft fair experience and my recent purchases. I think I spent more at the craft fair than I actually made! Haha, I spent my money mostly on food now that I think about it. The money I did make were mostly sales to other vendors. Before the craft fair though, I thought my wardrobe needed an update. I wanted to clean out my graphic t-shirts and get some pieces that were more like "stand out" pieces. To sum it up, I want to have a more chic wardrobe and a less cutesy closet...
I'll start out with the craft fair stuff first to make sure I actually write about it. The two vendors next to me were very nice. One of them, Hannah, was a college student and she was selling both handmade goods and food. She gave me a chocolate covered strawberry for free. It was so tasty! She gave my booth tons of other treats too like cupcakes and cookies. The other vendor was a mum with her six year old and the six year old made all the pieces there! They were very lolita, but I doubt the girl knows what lolita is...
This is everything that I got at the craft fair. The five pins were from a vendor called Ninja VS Pirate and were all free! The earrings were from another vendor and I got the white ones for Tina's Christmas gift and the blue ones for myself. The cell phone charm was from Hannah and she gave it to me for free. The necklace I bought from Hannah too.
This is what makes the necklace so incredible. You can open the letter up and take out a little love letter. Hannah had tons of really cute necklaces. I was tempted to get 3 other necklaces from her because she had so many amazing pieces! At the end of the craft fair, Hannah had no idea what to do with all her baked goods because she couldn't give them out for free because people had paid for them already, so her boyfriend screamed, "VENDOR PARTY!" Haha, I thought it was pretty funny...
I bought this from Urban Outfitters because they were having a huge sale, selling all their summer goods. This was originally a $48 item that I got for $10. Such a great price for an item so unique and pretty. It has layers of a soft breezy fabric and black lace. I don't know how I'm going to layer this piece for the colder months that are sure to come.
I finally found a fabulously unique looking military style jacket that looks like it would blend wonderfully right into the "Welcome to the Black Parade" music video. (As you can see, I really can't wait for the My Chemical Romance album to come out.) Personally, I would've preferred the jacket to be a tad more over the top like Sasha's jacket, but what do you expect for a jacket that I got at such a  low price? Also, I've been trying to find a jacket like this for many months now.
Finally, I got a flowy poncho style sweater because ponchos are starting to show up again in gyaru fashion. Not to mention, that this piece can pull into a chic look or a more indie look.
Are any of you trying to update your wardrobe? If so, describe your current closet look and tell me what type of wardrobe you're aiming for now! 


  1. aaaah i love the love letter necklace!
    my wardrobe contains things i had from 5th grade...

  2. R E B E C C A-ME TOO! XD I have a bunch of stuff from years ago. Good thing, I'm outgrowing some of them (because I eat too much fried foods) ahem...I mean because I'm a growing girl.

  3. the envelope necklace is cute, and the ruffle sweater is nice too, fun things you picked up!

  4. The letter necklace ... it got me! D: So unique, and really nice.

    I completely understand what you mean about going for a more chic look. I would really like to convert to that too, but I still don't have much to be fully classy. xD The military jackets are so nice, I've been wanting one for some time now! And YES. I can't wait neither for MCR to release their new album. *_*

  5. Nyu-Thank you! :3 It's so creative!

    Pop Champagne-Thank you so much! Did you get anything cool from the desginers you interviewed?

    P o o p e r-Yes! Another MCR fan! You just keep getting better and better huh? XD I want a classier wardrboe so badly. That way my wardrboe doesn't look like a kindergartener...D:

  6. the military jacket is AWESOME!

  7. nice craft fair ^^ i love your jacket!

  8. Tam-Thank you! :3

    Naka-Thank you so much! :)


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