Friday, September 24, 2010

Adventures with Alexandra, Jackie, Tiffany, and Tina!

Mood: Nervous
Playing: Orphans-Jack's Mannequin
So last Wednesday, my school had an early out for Back to School Night. I decided to go have lunch with my friends, Alexandra, Tiffany, Tina, Sophie, and Jackie. We decided to eat at a bakery and a Boba place. Alexandra had her first Boba with me! I'll post pictures of the array of pastries later on, deal? I'm only going to post pictures of what I actually ate!
Sophie, Alexandra, Jackie, Tiffany, Tina, and I went to lunch together. I went to my favorite bakery and got a Prosciutto Pesto grilled panini, which was super yummy! I think Tina and Tiffany got the same thing as me. The cupcake was just too pretty to pass up. It was passion fruit cake with blueberry icing.
Tiffany got a passion fruit cupcake with raspberry icing. Alexandra loves raspberries, so she stole the raspberry from the top. I'm pretty sure she stole the blueberry too! Tiffany and I cut the cupcakes in half, so we could try both flavors. I was too full after the blueberry one, so I didn't try the raspberry one. Tina ended up eating my half. I think Tina also ate a some of the blueberry cupcake too! I thought the cake was a bit dry and the icing was too sweet. At this bakery, the icing is usually creamy, so it was shocking to see that this icing wasn't super creamy! I still like the Red Velvet Cupcake more! It's the best!
When we were done eating, Sophie left us to visit our old school.  The rest of us stood on a bridge above this river/drainage thing-y. Jackie took out some coins and tossed them at the cement sides. We watched them roll down the sides and skip on the water. Can you find her three pennies and her nickel? For some reason, it was really entertaining and calming.
We were walking around in the river area on the sand and I passed this. For some reason, it really interested me. I thought it was kind of sad. It reminded me of a shipwreck...I like going on adventures throughout my town. I like the feeling that I'm getting to see things I haven't seen before. Jackie is from Big Bear and Alexandra is from Illinois, so everything in my town is new to them. It must be wonderful to go and explore a place, where everything is new.
We crossed this cement thing to get to the other side. I think the cement wall helps slow the water down, when it rains a lot. That's Tiffany there with her tokidoki backpack! The first thing I ever said to Tiffany was, "If you ever decided you don't want that backpack anymore, I can take it for you." She probably thought I was greedy, but now we're really good friends! Tiffany was originally scared to go up, but I cajoled her into going with us. During the day, we ran around in the grass that almost went up to our knees, chased ducks, played around in little areas filled with aquatic plants, and climbed walls. It was a fun day and we only stopped the adventure because of homework. We plan on going on a longer adventure one day. At least, we hope so! Hopefully, Sophie can stay for the adventure. I should blog about the adventures I've had with other friends!


  1. i miss hanging out with you guys after school ;__;

  2. R E B E C C A-Come to my high school then! :)

  3. yummy cupcakes~!!!^^

    btw hun please visit my blog i awarded you :)

  4. Kaizomousy-Oki doki! Lemme go look!

  5. awh such cute cupcakes and im glad the tutorial was easy to follow :3 im planning on knitting more today XD

  6. Afterschool adventures are the best. :D Yes, I agree you should also post about your future adventures with friends!

    Ahh, those cupcakes and panini look good! Great food and adventures. <333

    Going through all those areas seemed like fun, they make great memories to look back on. :3

  7. I'm not even in the title! :O
    We're going exploring tomorrow though :D

  8. Those cupcakes look delicious! *drools* =9

  9. Wow, sounds like quite the mini-adventure you had there. :0 I agree that you should blog more about your adventures as well. I love adventures! :D

    Oh and those cupcakes, omg they look so damn tasty... *drools*

  10. this is adorable! i love the cupcakes :)

  11. you're lucky you have places to buy food D: there's none where where I *suggestively waggles eyebrows* go to school.

  12. Naka-I really like the bow tutorial! I wanna try the candy one too!

    P o o p e r-I love after school adventures with food! That's why I'm doing this blog! I hope it helps with my memories!

    The Sopher Gopher-You didn't make it into the title because you were only there for the food!

    ☆rabbito-bonbon☆-They look better than they tasted!

    Vu-Cool! I'll talk about other adventures too! ^-^

    fhen-Thank you! *o*

    Sarah S.-You should've gone to my high school. I told you that your high school wasn't as cool!

  13. tifzahnpasta-Where? Which one? :3


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