Thursday, September 2, 2010

First Day of School and Ideas

Mood: Disappointed
Playing: Take My Hand-The Perfect Measure
Rip Rip had his first day at school a week ago and I had mine today. If you don't want to read about my problems, skip to the next paragraph! I think Rip Rip's might have gone better than mine. I was looking forward to going off campus, but apparently, if you were wearing white, you got a water balloon tossed at you from the seniors. I was wearing a white V-neck, so I ate on campus. I'm fairly unhappy that I don't have many classes with my good friends in them, but I do have at least one friend in every class. Lacrosse and science look like they're going to be the hardest classes. I like lacrosse, but I've never been any good at athletics, so I'm not sure if taking lacrosse, was the the best idea on my part. The part about lacrosse that seems hard is getting there on time. I need to run from English to the coach's English room to grab my clothes and lacrosse gear. Then I must run to the boys' locker room to get changed. (The girls' locker room is under construction, so the girls took over the boys' locker room.) Then after that I must run to a park off campus for the actual lacrosse training. I'm not sure how long that will take me...I was also looking forward to seeing many of my friends that I haven't seen for a long time like Alyssa, Hoho, and Matthew. I didn't really see them for that long. When I saw Hoho, he wanted to give me a hug, which was awkward because I had all these friends with me.
I want to start on a topic that is a tad more interesting. I have been into designing clothes for a very long time, but lately I have been into high end fashion a lot. Most of my summer was spent reading Vogue, Elle, People:Style Watch, Pinky(Which I look at, since I can't read Japanese), and other random Japanese magazines. I'm thinking about cutting out looks from different magazines and keeping them in a box. I'll cut out pictures of outfits that I like, that way if I ever do launch my own line, I know what I like and what interests me. (I know that I'll probably get a more practical job, than dealing with fashion, but we can all dream right?) Think of it as an inspiration of some sort, even a place that can help me decide where I would like to take my style. I want to try dressing better, instead of the normal jeans and a t-shirt look. I think that, if I were to keep this box filled with interesting looks, I could try and make myself dress better? I don't know. What do you think?

P.S. I wore my American Apparel bow, from the last post, and I got tons of compliments. I'm thinking of getting more, but they're so expensive!


  1. I like that style of posting, even not knowing much English.
    Pink Kisses♥

  2. Kakazinha-Thank you! Your blog is super cute and I like the brown hair tons and tons! ^-^

  3. I just dress in t-shirts and jeans too haha... I think it's a good idea. I'm terrible at dressing XD

    Let's wear our ultra skinnies on tuesday?

  4. Aww man I would of been pissed off too. D: When I was in highschool they never allowed the seniors to do stuff like that.

    And the idea of cutting out outfits is really nice. :3 It definitely helps develop a sense of style.

  5. aww i love bows!! American Apparel is wayyyy to overprice tho!! ahhh!

  6. sorry to hear about the stupid seniors :( tehe i find it funny how the girls took over the boys changing rooms XD

    why dont u make ur own bows? its cheap and more unique ^^

  7. The Sopher Gopher-I'm going to wear my zipper ones because that's my first day of dressing out for lacrosse.

    P o o p e r-They were driving by in cars tossing water balloons...So it was kinda off campus?

    meggasus-It's so expensive! T-T

    Naka-I need to get my hands on a sewing machine first! >.<

  8. Try not to worry too much about school, it'll be all over before you know it!

    Love the idea of cutting out the images, you should definitly collage them, scrapbook them and upload them on to here!

  9. Winnie-Oh, good idea! I should collage them and then scan it in! >.<


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